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Recently, LED EXPO 2020 + LIGHT ASEAN presented a webinar on Future of LED Lighting in ASEAN Region – Opportunities ahead, organized by MEX. The panellist for the webinar were, Dr. Chanyaporn Chuntamara Bstieler, Executive Committee, Illuminating Engineering Association Of Thailand (TIEA); Dr. Rajat Mandal, Hon’ General Secretary, Indian Society Of Lighting Engineers (ISLE); Whiz Chua, Former Chairman- Strategy & Innovation (2014-2020), IFMA Singapore Chapter; Siew Choon Thye, President, The Electrical And Electronics Association Of Malaysia (TEEAM); Eduardo A. Manahan, Chairman, Building Owners & Managers Association Of The Philippines (BOMAP).

Analysing the current market scenario Dr. Rajat Mandal said: “The Indian market is growing at a high rate with an estimated CAGR from 24-25%. The Government’s Energy Efficiency enforcement in India have various schemes and other initiatives that lead to further growth within the Indian Market.”

Siew Choon Thye added: “The Malaysian Lighting Industry is estimated to grow at 30-40% CAGR and depends on the growth of various other markets.”

Whiz Chua highlighted: “There is a slow down in the property sector projects due to the ongoing pandemic that may, in turn, affect the major LED production companies.”

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Dr. Chanyaporn said: “The Thailand market hasn’t been impacted much as big projects go-on for many years and many are yet into the signing phase. The sector most affected from the pandemic in Thailand is the Hotel sectors as Thailand relies on tourism and almost 12% of our GDP is from tourism, which has almost stopped, it’s just local market now. The sector that adapts to the new products are luminaires for the hospital in the healthcare sector. The Thai government will be promoting the applications for Smart cities. Hence, not much has been affected, whereas, few sectors are still benefiting from it.”

Eduardo A. Manahan stated: “As far as the Philippian LED market is concerned, it is currently driven by growing environmental conscious. Energy-efficient lighting and the Government’s approach towards sustainable development are influencing and contributing to the growth of the market. The government also prohibits the manufacturers import sale and use of incarnation of bulbs that furthers the market growth. The Philippian market is projected to reach at around 890 million dollars by 2050, at a CAGR growth of 12% in the forecast period of 2020 – 2025.” So we see a very bright future in the lighting industry which, is driven by several factors.

Speaking on the innovations and importance of Smart Lighting and IoT Dr. Rajat Mandal said: “Innovation is the only way of life and without innovation, you cannot move further. IoT is a combination of intelligent lighting known as seventh generations in our language and is capable of fulfilling the consumers’ and designers’ needs and requirements. IoT has made the levelling to such an extend that Lighting today is a multidisciplinary subject, it’s not only electrical electronics, it is an integrated subject, but it challenges you to update your knowledge, skill and product application.”

Siew Choon Thye added: “In terms of LED Malaysia Market, we will be reaching around 100 billion USD by 2024. Smart Lighting, IoT and 5G development of lightings have accelerated the development and acceptability of intelligent lights. Smart or LED lighting has a huge development opportunity going forward and it has been accelerated even further, with the COVID pandemic.”

Dr. Chanyaporn stated: “To develop Smart Lights one requires a huge amount of investment, and the benefits cannot be proved. I believe ASEAN as a whole yet needs a lot of research into this area.”

Eduardo A. Manahan highlighted: “We are looking forward to Economic LED Lighting and Anti-bacterial bulbs. The current situation requires IoT lighting in the commercial sector ensuring everyone’s health and safety. We are expecting innovations towards more affordable, effective and long-lasting availability of lights.”

Addressing the impact of the withdrawal of companies from China and the scope of an alternative hub for LED products Dr. Rajat Mandal said: “Yes, there is a major impact in the LED industry in respect to raw materials, market, price and also delivery. The countries, which are having the infrastructure and readiness to meet the COVID-19 challenges will be the winners in the market. Be it Asia or ASEAN countries every country has its challenges, opportunities and capabilities.”

Siew Choon Thye added: “In the current pandemic all the countries will learn to be more self-independent and self-sustained for basic development needs.”

Dr. Chanyaporn said: “For the Thai suppliers and manufactures, it would benefit if they can do product development and understand the users’ needs. Even in other countries if they understand the needs of different sectors, they can come up with different products to address them.”

Based on the standard that Dr. Rajat Mandal is working on within the ISLE, he said: “The ISLE is playing a great role in creating standards based on international statistics, international plot fall and international quality for the Lighting Industry.”

Speaking on the influence of TEEAM members and their decision on lighting-related terms, Siew Choon Thye said: “Our members consist of three main categories electrical construction and services; secondly manufacturing and thirdly trading. We have professionals, designers and engineers who are very much related to the standard and also very influential to do the design standard and ISC and CIE issued standards.”

Conversing on the role of facility management on energy-efficiency, Whiz Chua said: “There is a competition going on and the facility managers will be desperate on how to save more energy and produce energy-efficient LEDs.”

Addressing the role of Lighting in Property Management Eduardo A. Manahan stated: “Lighting is one of the most important products in the property sector. Energy-efficient and long-lasting LEDs enhance property management. Creating a healthy work environment resulting to increase employees’ productivity is highly suitable for modern architecture and green building technology.”

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